Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Colosseum!


With walls made of concrete, marble and decrative plaster, the Colosseum was beautiful! It stood at a whopping 16 stories high! It could hold over 50,000 people and was used for various entertainment activities! Such as mock navel battles, where they would fill the colosseum up with water. Yes, i said water. Isnt that amazing?! They would also have animals, and people, fight to the death. Now you may be wondering, but wait what happens if it rains. You see, the romans were very smart people, they had a man made woven canvas called the velarium. It took a 1,000 men to help cover the colosseum in the velarium! Thats alot of men. For the actual building, they used the standard roman sequence: bottom- doric, middle- ionic, and on top- corinthian. It had several arcades surrounding the building, the little arches, and inside each of those archs were niches filled with statues. Fun fact: Each patron had to have a ticket to enter, and everyone had an assigned seat.

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